Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Hanging in there...

Tomorrow I will be 12 weeks!! I can't believe we are only 2 weeks away from the 2nd trimester. I've still had spotting off and on the past six weeks, but every time we go to the Dr. to do an ultrasound, the baby is fine and they tell me to just go home and rest. So, I've been on bed rest off and on for the past six weeks. The frustrating part is that I will stop spotting for 5 days, get up for a bit...then spot again.

I went to the Dr. yesterday because the spotting lasted a little longer than normal and of course, baby looks good, Mama is a stress case. There is apparently a pocket of fluid (blood) near the sac of the baby that is causing the spotting - it's not a great thing, but it is pretty common. It's trying to heal itself, but with any activity or growth of baby, it starts to release and spot again.

I'm back on bed rest and trying to keep my spirits up, even though I'm a little stir-crazy and frustrated with the complications. I know God's plan is always good, but man-o-man, can I get a break!! I've gotten great encouragement and of course, I appreciate it...but sometimes you just want to say THIS SUCKS!!!!

So, THIS SUCKS!!! I feel better...

I will get through this and in the end, I promise to share my story and help anyone I can who is going through infertility (emotionally and financially). Someone recently told me that when I finally have this baby, I will hardly remember any of my infertility woes. I hope that never happens, I never want to forget!!! I want to help others who are going through the same thing and never ever ever ever make them feel like I'm above them for the IVF working and having a baby. Infertility is hard, really hard...and I empathize with anyone who has dealt or is dealing with it.

...stepping off soapbox now :-)

On the bright side...these t-shirts cracked me up!!!
*click on the picture to make it bigger*

1 comment:

  1. Jim and Jaclyn~

    Keeping you in our daily prayers for a healthy pregnancy! Hang in there Jaclyn....This part will be over soon so you can enjoy the process of being prego. (the shirts cracked me up!)

    Take care,
