Wednesday, August 25, 2010

5 Months

Today, I am 5 months and 1 week. Wooohooo! I now know what they mean when they say time flies after you get to your second trimester. I'm loving being pregnant "now"...feeling this little guy inside of me is a pretty crazy thing!

As most know, we picked our name Vincent Michel Caramazza..."Vinny". This was our original name for a boy, but I decided I wanted to try some other names out. I went through hundreds of them and none seem to fit. When I would think of this little guy in my head, I would call him Baby Vinny. So, at Little Joes Italian restaurant in San Francisco (very appropriate that we were in an Italian restaurant)I looked down at my belly, then looked at Jim and said "He's a Vinny". Jim smiled ear to ear and said "really, we can name him Vinny". Yes we can...and yes we will. I know the name is very Italian (and he will actually be only 1/8 Italian and actually have more Swedish in him than anything...we went against Sven), we decided that Vinny is what our hearts wanted.

Naming a child for the rest of their lives is a big decision, and I think we chose the right now. Vincent will be his formal name, Vinny his nickname and Vince for when he's an adult in business.

Anyway, life is just truckin' along and I'm feeling great. Baby bump is getting bigger and bigger everyday, and it's getting a little hard to get comfortable while sleeping now. I'm sure that is just going to get worse...

It has been so fun sharing all these steps with friends and family, how blessed we are!

Can't wait to keep seeing this little dude grow until he finally decides to come out and meet us.

Hope all is well in your lives...Hugs!

Jac (and Vinny)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I'm a Nut...

Nothing really exciting to blog, just another proof that I'm losing my mind.

I felt like baby boy wasn't moving anymore (he was between 16-18 weeks).

In usual "freak out for every little thing" form...I decided to just "stop by" my Dr. office at Kaiser Women's Health and ask them nicely to check for the heartbeat. They just smiled at me and said "of course we can".

I'm sure these wonderful nurses and Dr's get "crazy-paranoid-new-moms" all the time...and they were very sweet in agreeing to calm my nerves.

She put the little doppler on my stomach and sure enough...boom, boom, boom, is healthy and chillin' inside me.

She said that the reason I felt so much movement was because baby was pretty low in my pelvic area and has now moved into my abdomen area and is tucked back further. This is why I feel less movement and feel more comfortable.

I'm a nut...I'm a nut...I'm a nut!

But I'm a relieved Nut!


Monday, August 2, 2010

It's a Boy !

Boy-oh-boy-oh-BOY.....I was not expecting this!!! I was so sure it was a girl that I convinced everyone around me it was a girl too. :-) I decided on July 26th to surprise my husband (who had been working very hard that week) and to surprise my mother-in-law for her finding out the sex of the baby.

I got a last minute appointment with an ultrasound company in Roseville that can tell the sex of the baby as early as sixteen weeks (I was only 17 at the time). I wasn't sure if they would be able to tell...obviously, they could.

The Dr. came in and ran the ultrasound over my little bump and said "hmmm...looks like baby is taking a face first nap and needs some encouragement...lay on your side for a minute and I'll be right back." He came back and just like he said, baby moved into a visible position and he started looking for "thing or lack of thing". He rolled over my belly for a couple minutes and then...there is was...I knew it before the Dr. even said a word.

That is a penis! My girl has a penis???? Oh wait.....I'M HAVING A BOY!!!!!!

WHAAAATTTTT!!!! I couldn't believe shock! I sat there for a minute and all of a sudden a big grin came on my face! My little Boy! I fell in love with him instantly!!! I give my husband a hard time about him getting his boy and he better give me a girl next time....but it's all just fun. I couldn't be happier...a baby BOY!!

Here is the ultrasound video from the's about 5 minutes long. You will notice about a minute in that the Dr. nicely points out (with a yellow cursor) what the sex of the baby is. Pretty sure you can see it :-)))) Let the shopping begin...