Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I'm a Nut...

Nothing really exciting to blog, just another proof that I'm losing my mind.

I felt like baby boy wasn't moving anymore (he was between 16-18 weeks).

In usual "freak out for every little thing" form...I decided to just "stop by" my Dr. office at Kaiser Women's Health and ask them nicely to check for the heartbeat. They just smiled at me and said "of course we can".

I'm sure these wonderful nurses and Dr's get "crazy-paranoid-new-moms" all the time...and they were very sweet in agreeing to calm my nerves.

She put the little doppler on my stomach and sure enough...boom, boom, boom, boom...baby is healthy and chillin' inside me.

She said that the reason I felt so much movement was because baby was pretty low in my pelvic area and has now moved into my abdomen area and is tucked back further. This is why I feel less movement and feel more comfortable.

I'm a nut...I'm a nut...I'm a nut!

But I'm a relieved Nut!


1 comment:

  1. Jaclyn~
    You're not a nut! It's normal to be concerned...you are clearly going to be a fabulous mommy! Kaiser will take great care of you during these uncertain moments...
