Monday, August 2, 2010

It's a Boy !

Boy-oh-boy-oh-BOY.....I was not expecting this!!! I was so sure it was a girl that I convinced everyone around me it was a girl too. :-) I decided on July 26th to surprise my husband (who had been working very hard that week) and to surprise my mother-in-law for her finding out the sex of the baby.

I got a last minute appointment with an ultrasound company in Roseville that can tell the sex of the baby as early as sixteen weeks (I was only 17 at the time). I wasn't sure if they would be able to tell...obviously, they could.

The Dr. came in and ran the ultrasound over my little bump and said "hmmm...looks like baby is taking a face first nap and needs some encouragement...lay on your side for a minute and I'll be right back." He came back and just like he said, baby moved into a visible position and he started looking for "thing or lack of thing". He rolled over my belly for a couple minutes and then...there is was...I knew it before the Dr. even said a word.

That is a penis! My girl has a penis???? Oh wait.....I'M HAVING A BOY!!!!!!

WHAAAATTTTT!!!! I couldn't believe shock! I sat there for a minute and all of a sudden a big grin came on my face! My little Boy! I fell in love with him instantly!!! I give my husband a hard time about him getting his boy and he better give me a girl next time....but it's all just fun. I couldn't be happier...a baby BOY!!

Here is the ultrasound video from the's about 5 minutes long. You will notice about a minute in that the Dr. nicely points out (with a yellow cursor) what the sex of the baby is. Pretty sure you can see it :-)))) Let the shopping begin...

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