Thursday, April 22, 2010

Day 3 Bed Rest

These are my little fertilized eggs...the actual ones they put in me...aren't they cute?!

I'm on day 3 of bed rest...ooohhhh how I can't wait to get out and do, well, anything! I really can't complain though, I have been so incredibly taken care of by Jim and my Mom!!! I've also had some wonderful people stop by to visit me and make sure I wasn't too bored.

The actual implantation was pretty cool. Jim and I got to watch as the used a very thin "straw-like" thing to take 2 very tiny fertilized eggs and put them gently into my cervix. The entire procedure took about 20 minutes and then I just rested on my back there for about 30 minutes until we were told it was okay to go home and lay down. The worst part about the entire procedure (which wasn't bad at all) is that you have to have a full fun...but no bid deal.

Jim got me home and I've been catered to by him and my Mom ever since.

I think I've watched about 5 movies, read 3 magazines and watched at least ten different TV shows. The bad part about being in bed is that you feel lazy...and when I feel lazy, I tend to want to eat...I feel like this is that "fat shack" where they fatten you up before the wedding. I can't wait to be mobile and get some healthy exercise.

Sooooo....they are in's all up to God's plan!!!!

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