Monday, April 12, 2010

A GOOD Negative!!

For the past week, I have not worried as much about a much as I have worried about myself. I can finally vent my "GOOD negative"!!!

While doing IVF, they make you take a ton of tests...including all the bad stuff you "could have". One test in particular is important for IVF because you could pass it on to your child. This test is for Adult Leukemia...CANCER!

I took this test 3 times! I was told the 3rd time that they STILL couldn't get a negative result and needed me to take an additional DNA test that was more sensitive. I have never been more scared in my entire life! I actually broke down...broke down completely! I called my Mom and she and her friend Kate drove from Vacaville on a moment's notice to come to my house, pray with me, calm me down and basically LIFT me up! Also, Jim and his parents were by my side to just love me and cry with me.

I know this all seems trite with the test being negative now...but for the last week...I was faced with my own life ending (as dramatic as that sounds...that's how I felt). I just wanted to be here and healthy...the fertility issue seemed small in comparison.


I'm okay...I'm okay...I'm okay!!!! God is Good...God is Good...God is Good!

On a side follicles look great, I feel pretty good and I'm ready for egg harvesting on Thursday :-))))))) Yayyyyyy

Sometimes you look around and see things more clear...what's important...what's pure and simple...what's ultimately important in your life!! ...And sometimes, it's just good!

1 comment:

  1. PTL! Good negative news!! We are praying with you during this journey...and I'm sure along the way God is teaching you many things you did not expect to learn...TRUST for sure...and so much more. Many blessings are in store for you both!
