Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Release the Krakens....(inside joke)

This is me holding the Ovidrel (final realease shot)!

I had my final ultrasound before the IVF procedure today...and my Egg Harvesting will be this Thursday! Doc says my follicles look great and I have a ton! He's thinking they will get between 20-25 eggs. Wooohoooo!

We took the RELEASE shot tonight at 7PM...in 36 hours, my eggs will be ready for a journey into fertilization in a cup.

The retrieval surgery will be at 7AM on Thursday morning. They will put me under local anesthesia and the process to get the eggs out will take about 30 minutes. While they are doing my retreival, Jim will be giving his "sample"...swim hard boys! :-) TMI, I know. They will wake me up...get me settled...and send me home for some R&R.

**I will post a more detailed version of what is going on this week...for those who are reading this and going through IFV or fertility**


  1. I am so excited for you! You are constantly in my prayers!

  2. You are amazing - you have so much going on and your optimism and humor are a gift. I am praying for little Caramazza...or CaramazzaS :) Love Amy

  3. I know about the Krakens! ;) I am excited for you guys and praying!!!!
