Monday, May 24, 2010

Counting down to 2nd Trimester...go faster please!

I've purposely tried to keep my blog entries to a minimum...because...I've been terrified of having a miscarriage.

I know quite a few people who've had miscarriages in their first 8-12 weeks and this thought has absolutely consumed me at times.

I sat down with my best friend from high school (who is still my best friend now) and she gave me some amazing advice and a dose of reality.

She reminded me that thoughts are very powerful and that they have an affect on my body. Negative thoughts bring negative anxiety and toxins into my body...two things that are NOT good for this baby!!! She also told me that God wants me to be happy and to have a healthy baby, and dwelling on the negative and anxious thoughts is only Satan's way of getting to me...'cause that's all he's got!! God is in control, I've been saying that from day 1. I have to confess, I have to ask God to renew my faith daily and to give me the strength to take those negative thoughts captive and throw them straight in the trash.

I saw this video the other day and it brought a smile to my face!!!

God is always good...I will enjoy this pregnancy because, it is a gift from above!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Big Day Tomorrow

Well, it's finally here...or almost here...seeing the heartbeat for the first time and seeing if one or two implanted. I'm excited and nervous!

As all you loved ones have done for the past two months, please PRAY that the ultrasound goes great, that the baby (or babies) are healthy and that the heartbeat(s) are strong and active!

I just want tomorrow morning to get here so I can finally see what's going on in there.

I pray for patience, strength, faith & grace! God is in control...and HE is always good!

Jac and Jim

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Running out of butt room...

Well, I'm officially running out of "butt room"!

This is the Progesterone shot I have to take every night for the next six weeks (I've already been doing it for four weeks).

The nurse said my rump would be sore, black and blue, and eventually I would "run out of room"...and she was right!!!

I've always had a good amount of junk in the trunk (lately it's more like cargo), so I never thought I would run out of room for this lovely shot.

Here's a picture of my nightly shot gear, including the much needed ice pack, Do you feel sorry for me now??? (sorry if you don't like needles...neither do I)

Other than that, I feel great and things are going very well! Six more days until our ultrasound...Woooohooo!!!!!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Mama needs a cocktail...a mocktail I mean

No one can say our life is dull...not a bit!

Yesterday at about 3PM I started spotting a little and I FREAKED!!!
I called Jim and my Mom and of course...both came to be by my side immediately. I called my nurse and she said to not panic and go in for a blood test the next morning to test my beta #'s (if they fell, it may be a miscarriage).

Now for the TMI part...feel free to pass go to the end. The spotting was bright red and about the size of a half dollar, then went to about two half dollars of dark red, then to three half dollars of almost black spotting. Yes, I know...that's a lot of half dollars.

I went to bed with a heavy heart and a worried mind. I woke up without much spotting and by the time I went to take my blood test at 9AM...the spotting had stopped. All day I've been sick to my stomach thinking about this pregnancy ending sooooo soon. I know I'm still in the WAY risky period, but I wasn't prepared for it.


I got a call at 3PM today from my wonderful Nurse saying that my numbers are at 3,000 (last Friday it was 150)....and that is VERY good!!!! She says there are multiple reasons to spot and most likely it was due to my egg extraction surgery two weeks ago...or my uterus stretching.

Praise the Lord.....Hallelujah.....God is Good....I'm still pregnant!!!!

Day by Day...Inch by Inch...

Monday, May 3, 2010


It's official, WE ARE PREGNANT!!

It still hasn't set in yet! I'm sure it won't until I start showing.

I am VERY aware of how early this pregnancy is...VERY AWARE. I think about it every time I think about even being pregnant. I've had quite a few conversations with God asking him to forgive me for doubting...being faithless...and even suggesting that He is not in control of this pregnancy. I've said from day one of our IVF process that we are trusting 100% that God's plan is always good...and He knows what is best for our there it is...I am not in control!

I am in control of trying to eat well, relax and enjoy this new feeling.

There is no way to thank all of you for your prayers, support, love, texts, emails, calls and joyful responses to our positive result! I was overwhelmed on Friday with the wonderful family and friends we have that were just as happy as we were of this miracle.

I'm taking it day by day...but I can't help but look twice at little tiny clothes and sweet little baby items.

I will take another blood test on the 10th to make sure my hormone levels are still rising and then we will find out on the 19th "how many" implanted. I know, I know...most of you would like two...geeeeeezzzzz...will you be coming over on a regular basis to babysit??? he he he he he

I love you all and I couldn't be happier!!!!

* Picture is of a "miracle" onesie that my sister gave me THREE years ago...We've had it out ever since....but now it means a little bit more :-) *