Friday, May 7, 2010

Mama needs a cocktail...a mocktail I mean

No one can say our life is dull...not a bit!

Yesterday at about 3PM I started spotting a little and I FREAKED!!!
I called Jim and my Mom and of course...both came to be by my side immediately. I called my nurse and she said to not panic and go in for a blood test the next morning to test my beta #'s (if they fell, it may be a miscarriage).

Now for the TMI part...feel free to pass go to the end. The spotting was bright red and about the size of a half dollar, then went to about two half dollars of dark red, then to three half dollars of almost black spotting. Yes, I know...that's a lot of half dollars.

I went to bed with a heavy heart and a worried mind. I woke up without much spotting and by the time I went to take my blood test at 9AM...the spotting had stopped. All day I've been sick to my stomach thinking about this pregnancy ending sooooo soon. I know I'm still in the WAY risky period, but I wasn't prepared for it.


I got a call at 3PM today from my wonderful Nurse saying that my numbers are at 3,000 (last Friday it was 150)....and that is VERY good!!!! She says there are multiple reasons to spot and most likely it was due to my egg extraction surgery two weeks ago...or my uterus stretching.

Praise the Lord.....Hallelujah.....God is Good....I'm still pregnant!!!!

Day by Day...Inch by Inch...

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