Monday, May 24, 2010

Counting down to 2nd Trimester...go faster please!

I've purposely tried to keep my blog entries to a minimum...because...I've been terrified of having a miscarriage.

I know quite a few people who've had miscarriages in their first 8-12 weeks and this thought has absolutely consumed me at times.

I sat down with my best friend from high school (who is still my best friend now) and she gave me some amazing advice and a dose of reality.

She reminded me that thoughts are very powerful and that they have an affect on my body. Negative thoughts bring negative anxiety and toxins into my body...two things that are NOT good for this baby!!! She also told me that God wants me to be happy and to have a healthy baby, and dwelling on the negative and anxious thoughts is only Satan's way of getting to me...'cause that's all he's got!! God is in control, I've been saying that from day 1. I have to confess, I have to ask God to renew my faith daily and to give me the strength to take those negative thoughts captive and throw them straight in the trash.

I saw this video the other day and it brought a smile to my face!!!

God is always good...I will enjoy this pregnancy because, it is a gift from above!

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