Well, I'm officially running out of "butt room"!
This is the Progesterone shot I have to take every night for the next six weeks (I've already been doing it for four weeks).
The nurse said my rump would be sore, black and blue, and eventually I would "run out of room"...and she was right!!!
I've always had a good amount of junk in the trunk (lately it's more like cargo), so I never thought I would run out of room for this lovely shot.
Here's a picture of my nightly shot gear, including the much needed ice pack, Do you feel sorry for me now??? (sorry if you don't like needles...neither do I)
Other than that, I feel great and things are going very well! Six more days until our ultrasound...Woooohooo!!!!!
Yay about the ultrasound! Yuck about the shot! Sorry for your booty!